聖誕節快到了! 你認為以下哪些句子的寫法是錯誤的?
1. Christmas Day is on 25th December.
2. Christmas Day is on the 25th December.
3. Christmas Day is on the 25th of December.
4. Christmas Day is on twenty-fifth of December.
5. Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December.
以上句子, 我們應讀成 "Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December." (即第5句)。
至於寫法,則可被寫成第1句 (25th December) 或第5句 (the twenty-fifth of December),
也有些人寫成第3句 (the 25th of December), 不過這並不常見。
至於第2句 (the 25th December) 及第4句 (twenty-fifth of December) , 在讀和寫都是不正確的。