2007年12月14日 星期五

Acrostic poems by kids: Colours

我在暑假期間曾教學生寫作 "acrostic poems" (離合詩 ─ 各行首字母或尾字母或其他特定處的字母能組合成詞或句的一種詩體), 一直沒有把他們的作品好好整理。現趁著有此網站,刊登部分作品吧! 各位老師及家長,你也可著兒童寫作此種文體,發揮他們的想像力,或許你會發現他們的無限創意!

Acrostic poems: Colours

1. RED
Red is for fire.
Eggs are cooked with fire.
Don't play with fire.
By Brendan

2. RED
Red is my favourite colour.
Eating apples is good for us.
During lunch I eat apples.
By Goffy

Blue is for the sky.
Let's fly kites high in the sky.
Usually I swim in the sea.
Eat a yummy blueberry ice-cream!
By Martin

Blue is my favourite colour.
Lakes can be blue.
Umbrellas can be blue too.
Eat your blueberries!
By Angel

Blue is for the sea.
Light blue is for clouds.
Uniform can be blue.
Easter eggs are just like blue round balls.
By Celia

Pink is my favourite colour.
I like pink because it is beautiful.
Nice to have a pink dress.
Keep it in a pink wardrobe.
By Emily

7. Black
Black is my favourite colour.
Long hair is black.
And chocolate can be black too.
Chocolate is yummy.
Keep your chocolate in the fridge!
By Suyi
