2007年12月14日 星期五

Acrostic poems by kids: Colours

我在暑假期間曾教學生寫作 "acrostic poems" (離合詩 ─ 各行首字母或尾字母或其他特定處的字母能組合成詞或句的一種詩體), 一直沒有把他們的作品好好整理。現趁著有此網站,刊登部分作品吧! 各位老師及家長,你也可著兒童寫作此種文體,發揮他們的想像力,或許你會發現他們的無限創意!

Acrostic poems: Colours

1. RED
Red is for fire.
Eggs are cooked with fire.
Don't play with fire.
By Brendan

2. RED
Red is my favourite colour.
Eating apples is good for us.
During lunch I eat apples.
By Goffy

Blue is for the sky.
Let's fly kites high in the sky.
Usually I swim in the sea.
Eat a yummy blueberry ice-cream!
By Martin

Blue is my favourite colour.
Lakes can be blue.
Umbrellas can be blue too.
Eat your blueberries!
By Angel

Blue is for the sea.
Light blue is for clouds.
Uniform can be blue.
Easter eggs are just like blue round balls.
By Celia

Pink is my favourite colour.
I like pink because it is beautiful.
Nice to have a pink dress.
Keep it in a pink wardrobe.
By Emily

7. Black
Black is my favourite colour.
Long hair is black.
And chocolate can be black too.
Chocolate is yummy.
Keep your chocolate in the fridge!
By Suyi

2007年12月8日 星期六

100 and 1000

Five thoudand and two hundard dollars only ($5,200)

你可能會覺得 100 和 1000 都不應拼寫錯誤,但這確是真有其事!


其實, "千"和"百"都不難拼寫,尤其是香港人,更有一定的優勢! 為什麼我如此說呢?

香港的一百元紙幣是什麼顏色的? 對了! 就是"red"了!
恰巧 "hundred" 便含有 "red"字。

香港的一千元紙幣是什麼顏色的? 對了! 是金黃色的!
這顏色又跟沙 (sand) 的顏色類似。
巧合地, "thousand" 也含有 "sand"字。

只要記著這種關連, 要拼寫 100 及 1000 絕非難事!

25th December

Merry Christmas!

聖誕節快到了! 你認為以下哪些句子的寫法是錯誤的?
1. Christmas Day is on 25th December.
2. Christmas Day is on the 25th December.
3. Christmas Day is on the 25th of December.
4. Christmas Day is on twenty-fifth of December.
5. Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December.

以上句子, 我們應讀成 "Christmas Day is on the twenty-fifth of December." (即第5句)。
至於寫法,則可被寫成第1句 (25th December) 或第5句 (the twenty-fifth of December),
也有些人寫成第3句 (the 25th of December), 不過這並不常見。

至於第2句 (the 25th December) 及第4句 (twenty-fifth of December) , 在讀和寫都是不正確的。

5th, 12th, 20th and 30th

有沒有同學在 "the 5th, 12th, 20th or 30th" 生日的呢?
你們知道這四個英文字的拼寫嗎? 請選出正確答案。

1. 5th: A. fiveth B. fifth
2. 12th: A. twelveth B. twelfth
3. 20th: A. twentyth B. twentith C. twentieth
4. 30th: A. thirtyth B. thirtith C. thirtieth

其實記法很簡單,只要記著 "-th" 像個兇惡的女巫, 不單會趕走 "-e" (nine -> ninth), 當 "她"遇上 "-ve" 和 "-y" 時, 還會施展以下魔法:
(1) ve -> f
(2) y -> ie

所以, "five" (5) 和 "twelve" (12) 會分別變成
"fifth" (5th) 和 "twelfth" (12th),
而 "twenty" (20) 和 "thirty" (30) 則分別變成
"twentieth" (20th) 和 "thirtieth" (30th)!

2007年12月5日 星期三

9th and 90

Hello, everyone! It's my great pleasure to meet you here. :)

首先問大家兩個問題, 請選出正確答案:
1. "9th" 的英文拼寫是什麼?
A. nineth B. ninth

2. "90" 的英文拼寫是什麼?
A. ninety B. ninty

很多同學都分不清應該是 "nineth" 或 "ninth", "ninety" 或 "ninty", 上星期當我教一班小三學生時,他們便被弄得頭昏腦脹!其實這情況相當普遍,相信很多成人在寫支票時也有類同的經驗!

其實很簡單,只要記著 "-th" 是很"兇惡"的! 當 "-th" 遇上 "-e"時, "她"便會把 "-e" 踢走!

9th 應該是 ninth (nine -> ninth)
90 應該是 ninety (nine -> ninety)
99th 便是 ninety-ninth


4th 和 40 是另外兩個容易令人混淆的生字。要謹記在心:
4th: fourth (而非 "forth")
40: forty (而非 "fourty")